Due to state laws, we cannot provide contact lenses without a valid prescription. Please email your valid prescription to 2020 On-site at info@2020onsite.com. Once we have your prescription in hand, we will process your order within 24 hours and send you a confirmation email.
Need to extend or renew your prescription but can't come see us in person? We are offering telehealth appointments for prescription extensions for our patients in Massachusetts. Book yours here: http://massachusetts-telehealth.2020onsite.com/
Acuvue 2 contact lenses have consistently been the best-selling hydrogel lens since their release in 1999. It's no surprise, as these lenses are very easy to insert and remove, and they help make your vision clear and crisp.
Acuvue 2 is a UV blocking lens for those who like to get out and be active. The visibility tint makes them easy to find in saline solution, and once they're in you'll notice they are so comfortable you'll forget all about them. On top of all that, 7 out of 10 people with Acuvue 2 contacts achieve 20/20 vision or better.